Here we are…

Welcome to Team Tipsy-Lantern. Mona has decided to commit to living the candle dream full-time.  Very excited about this. Charlie has decided to keep the bills paid, so he is going to live the candle dream part-time for the foreseeable future. It's all about the teamwork.

With this momentous decision comes the planning and reorganization of time and workspace. There are so many administrative details to take care of (which I secretly love) that my mind can get bogged down with too many ideas and not enough time to implement them all.  At that point, I stop thinking and start pouring some wax.  Then I add the scent.  Then I stir.  And by that time, I'm pretty relaxed again.  The true beauty of this job.

Then there's the fun part:  shows and meeting people. We're going to start off our new adventure where it all began for us, with our friends at Hop City Craft Beer and Wine here in Birmingham. 2924 3rd Avenue South, at Pepper Place, specifically. 

This is THE place to go for unique craft beer and wines. Their space is comfortable and the staff is friendly and happy to share their expertise. They provide you with a pint, a glass, a lot of expert knowledge, and thousands of cool beverages to take home. They have been friends of Tipsy-Lantern for a few years now and we have watched them grow.  We're always proud to have a table of our candles at their anniversary parties. So, if you join us on Oct. 2nd you can sample craft beer, wine, listen to live music, visit a food truck or two, AND buy a candle that smells wonderful (maybe an autumn scent?).


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